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Welding has been an indispensable technique in many production processes for many years. Technological progress and increasingly strict requirements for product quality lead to the use of increasingly advanced materials, as a result of which the demand for new additional materials has increased.
Thanks to long-standing tradition, knowledge and experience in the production of additional welding materials, Elektroda Zagreb d.d. can respond to the demands and needs of the market with quality. Listening to the needs of the market and taking into account suggestions, praise and criticism, the development team of Elektroda Zagreb d.d. is constantly working on the improvement of existing as well as on the development of new additional welding materials.
The offer highlights various types of coated electrodes, wires and rods for welding. Most of the assortment has been on domestic and foreign markets for many years, and as a novelty in the Elektroda Zagreb d.d. program. can offer powder-filled wires for welding non-alloyed and low-alloyed steels, as well as wires and rods for welding stainless steels.