Naši brandovi

Beorol is the largest and most technologically advanced manufacturer of painting tools in Southeast Europe. Within the factory there are four departments for the production of the following items: rollers, brushes, plastic tools and equipment.
The company started its work already in 1998. year with headquarter in Serbia, and today it has 8 branches: in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Dubai, Russia, Hungary and Romania, and articles are available in over 48 countries around the world. Today, the Beorol range consists of over 2,000 items.
Beorol production is located in Dubanovci, it extends over 4,988 m2 and the production capacity is 24/7/365. Over 11,000,000 strips, 18,950,500 rollers, 14,600,000 brushes and 700 tons of plastic are produced annually. Beorol’s goal is to always provide the best, most affordable and most recognizable solutions to anyone who wants to do a masterful job.